One Pager Website
Development timeframe
– 2 days –
Content-heavy one pager custom built. Includes Salient premium WordPress theme.
The web has been around for decades, users demand a high level of quality in both form and function in today’s world, you’d best give it to them. A clean, uncluttered user experience. A professional appearance that lends trust and authenticity to your brand. A high-level attention to detail across various devices and platforms ensuring quality, attained through consistency. You’ll get this backed-up with optional training via Skype screen-sharing for training purposes and guaranteed on-going email support for your peace of mind.
Do you have a pre-existing WordPress website that doesn’t currently score highly on Google page rankings? I’m able to restructure your website page content assigning high-ranking tags where of benefit alongside other SEO improvements based on many years of experience. Aware of slow page loading times for your end-users? Server tweaks plus the implementation of specific WordPress plugins for server & client-side content compression & caching, while also further optimising your media can lead to a GTMetrix Pagespeed score of ~80-95% (note WordPress theme and server hosting environment dependent).
Require a designer to work alongside your development gurus implementing both user-experience & user-interface experience? Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator wire-framing; prototype building of user flow; implementation of a unified style structure defined according to your brand guidelines. All covered. I have the ability to also communicate well the importance of design (UI / UX) considerations.
Website analysis with Google PageSpeed Insights, GTMetrix services included
Easy content-management with WordPress. Ability to clone any page to grow your website further. Contact me for your custom requirements.
Content-heavy one pager custom built. Includes Salient premium WordPress theme.
Flexible 4+ custom-built page templates tailored to your content, for example: home, products, about, contact etc. Includes Salient premium WordPress theme.
The option of pre-built or custom page template layouts with the addition of WooCommerce integration and population of 10 products to get you up and running. Unlike Shopify, there are no on-going costs other than to your bank, payment gateway provider and website host. Includes Woodmart premium WordPress theme.
WooCommerce – integrating with various South African Payment Gateway Providers